
Italian-style Baroque

Event Series
Ida Wallén, harpsichordist Aura Visala and recorder player Sofia Fernholm present 18th century music in the Italian style. Works by Georg Philipp Telemann, Alessandro Scarlatti, Pietro Castrucci, and others.

Past events

  • Concerts

Mar 20, 2023: Tunteikasta italialaista ja tummaa juomaa – Baroque Concert

Works by Georg Philipp Telemann, Alessandro Scarlatti, Georg Friedrich Händel, and Pietro Castrucci

Aura Visala, harpsichord; Sofia Fernholm, recorder

Pakilan Hyvän Paimenen kirkko / Church of the Good Shepherd, Helsinki, Finland

18th century compositions in the Italian style, together with harpsichordist Aura Visala and recorder player Sofia Fernholm.

  • Concerts

Jan 22, 2023: Tunteikasta italialaista ja tummaa juomaa – Baroque Concert

Works by Georg Philipp Telemann, Alessandro Scarlatti, Georg Friedrich Händel, and Pietro Castrucci

Aura Visala, harpsichord; Sofia Pettersson-Fernholm, recorder

Korso Church, Vantaa, Finland

Mezzosopraano Ida Wallén, nokkahuilisti Sofia Fernholm ja cembalisti Aura Visala esittävät 1700-luvun italialaiseen tyyliin sävellettyä musiikkia.

  • Concerts

Oct 2, 2022: Rakkauden kaipuu – Baroque Concert

Works by Scarlatti, Telemann, and others

Aura Visala, harpsichord; Sofia Pettersson-Fernholm, recorder

Oulunkylä Church, Helsinki, Finland


